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Main Line League

About the Main Line League

The Main Line League includes competition for all athletes of all ages during the winter and spring, starting with 12 and unders through senior men and women. Competition length is modified to allow teams to receive two games per day. Each game consists of two, 18-minute halves with running time until the last minute of each half. Games are played at several sites throughout the northeast.

Main Line League General Info


Teams are divided into divisions based on gender and age. Senior Division athletes must be 18 years of age or older to participate.

All competition will take place at the participating teams’ pools. Pool Directions

Competition Rules
Each game consists of two, 20-minute halves with running time until the last minute of each half. NCAA Playing Rules are used with the following exceptions two-minute half-time and teams only receive two 60-second timeout per half. A game misconduct will include an additional game suspension. A flagrant misconduct will include two additional game suspensions.

Competition Costs
Senior Divisions $895
High school entry fee is TBD
Age group entry fee is TBD

Send roster with check payable to “American Water Polo” to 129 West 4th St Bridgeport PA 19405

All athletes must be current members of American Water Polo.

$100 forfeit fee if you fail to show up at all or if you fail to show with a partial team.
$100 fee if a team breaks the 10 goal rule.




Schedules & Standings