Midwest 14 U Fall League

About the League
Registration Deadline: TBD
Age Groups: 10U Coed 12 Coed, 14 Boys, 14 Girls, 14 Coed
Cost: Fees based on pool and referee costs- teams will be invoiced once determined
Insurance: Athletes and coaches must be AWP members.
Player Eligibility:
- Players must meet their age requirement as of the last date of competition – no player may be attending high school, regardless of age
- Coed teams must have a minimum of two (2) boys and (2) girls (field players) in the water at all times
- 14-under players may play on one (1) team per division
- 12-under players may play in the 12-under division and in one 14-under division (either coed or their gender)
- In the 14-under League Championship tournament only girls will play in the girl’s tournament and only boys will play in the boy’s tournament.
Host Responsibility: Submit scores by the Wednesday following the games